Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Apple Time Capsule (500 GB & 1TB)

I use Time Machine with my mac book ,it works lovely except i have to have a external HD connected when i want to back up and sometimes its a headache ,but with time capsule i can back up from anywhere in the house wirelessly , it also has wireless drive sharing ,so now my wife can drop files in the HD instead of emailing me crap when she is sitting right next to me on the couch .... il speak more about it when i get one .. but for now i am pretty hyped about it.

Call of Duty 4

Ok, i have ben playing video games for more than 30 years so that makes me OVER qualified to tell you...THIS GAME IS THE SHIT!!! dont waste your time renting this from blockbuster(unless your broke) but you are safe buying this one! The single player campaign is dope ,tho i finished in about 4 days ,it got me ready for online play .. my advice tho ... if you get used to the auto aim (LT) it may mess you up when you play online cause you don't have auto aim in multiplayer. The best part of multiplayer is its kinda like a RPG the higher your lever ,the better weapons, weapons upgrade choice you have. Also Updates are soon available